Shepherding with Spurgeon
Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks
"Better far give the people masses of unprepared truth in the rough, like pieces of meat from a butcher’s block."
"If you permit one sin or false doctrine in a church knowingly and wittingly, none can tell the extent to which that evil may ultimately go"
"But you can never make too much of the living Christ Jesus."
Plus: Spurgeon's 15 sanctification questions to ask every new year.
"In preaching, have a place for everything, and everything in its place."
"May we go again to the Bethlehem of our spiritual nativity and do our first works."
Spurgeon's secret to power in the pulpit wasn't a secret.
"Unless we are instructive preachers and really feed the people, we may be great quoters of elegant poetry and mighty retailers of second-hand windbags, but we shall be like Nero of old."
A Thanksgiving Reflection from Spurgeon
"There is such a thing as having too much to say, and saying it until hearers are sent home loathing rather than longing."
"The minister of God, when he is dealing with men’s souls, must speak very plainly."
"I want none of your popularity. I will preach to you, as long as this tongue moves in my head, God’s truth, whether it offend or please."