Shepherding with Spurgeon
Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks
“If I cannot serve God one way, I will another. I will never leave off this blessed service.”
Because your church really does still need Jesus.
"Preaching is no hap-hazard business."
"Calvinism can impact everyday life and ordinary experience."
"Those doctrines which are not vital to the soul’s salvation, nor even essential to practical Christianity, are not to be considered upon every occasion of worship."
A sermon comes with far greater power when it is plainly the very word of God—not a lecture about the Scripture.
"Better far give the people masses of unprepared truth in the rough, like pieces of meat from a butcher’s block."
"If you permit one sin or false doctrine in a church knowingly and wittingly, none can tell the extent to which that evil may ultimately go"
"But you can never make too much of the living Christ Jesus."
Plus: Spurgeon's 15 sanctification questions to ask every new year.
"In preaching, have a place for everything, and everything in its place."
"May we go again to the Bethlehem of our spiritual nativity and do our first works."