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Pastor, lead like Martin Luther
Happy Reformation Day: "Luther knew that he must defy antichrist, and declare the pure gospel of the blessed God; and he must stand alone for the truth."
Shepherding with Spurgeon
Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks
Happy Reformation Day! One of my personal missions in life is spreading this incredible song every Reformation Day. May it encourage you today.
In order to be of greater usefulness, many a man of God must be taught to stand quite alone. “I looked on my right hand, and behold, but there was no man that would know me.” If you want men to help you, you may make a very decent follower; but if you want no man, and can stand alone, God being your helper, you shall be helped to be a leader. Oh, it was a grand thing when Luther stepped out from the ranks of Rome. There were many good men round him, who said, “Be quiet, Martin. You will get burnt if you do not hold your tongue. Let us keep where we are, in the Church of Rome, even if we have to swallow down great lumps of dirt. We can believe the gospel, and still remain where we are.” But Luther knew that he must defy antichrist, and declare the pure gospel of the blessed God; and he must stand alone for the truth, even if there were as many devils against him as there were tiles on the housetops at Worms. That is the kind of man whom God blesses.
I ask God that many a young man here might have the courage to feel, in his particular position, “I can stand alone, if need be. I am glad to have my master and my fellow-workmen with me; but if nobody will go to heaven with me, I will say farewell to them, and go to heaven alone through the grace of God’s dear Son.”
Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe Christ’s forgiveness.
Martin Luther says that when the devil came to him, he brought him a long sheet containing a list of his sins, or of a great number of them, and Luther said to him, “Is that all?”
“No,” said the devil.
“Well, go and fetch some more then.” Away went Satan to bring him another long list, as long as your arm.
Said Luther, “Is that all?”
“Oh, no!” said the devil, “I have more yet.”
“Well, go and bring them all,” said Luther. “Fetch them all out, the whole list of them.” Then it was a very long black list. I think that I have heard that it would have gone round the world twice. I know that mine would.
Well, what did Luther say when he saw them all? He said, “Write at the bottom of them, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin!’ ” It does not matter how long the list is when you write those blessed words at the end of it. The sins are all gone then.
“Whatever else you do or do not preach, be sure incessantly to bring forth the soul-saving truth of Christ and him crucified.” — Charles Spurgeon