Pastor, live for the gospel (not politics)

"There are some brethren who in preaching are as timid as mice; but on a political platform they can roar like lions. Had not they better take to what they like best, and give up the work at which they are not at home?"

Shepherding with Spurgeon

Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks


In Romans 1:1, Paul described himself as “called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.” That expression should be true of every Christian minister. We are not apostles; but we are “separated unto the gospel of God.” I do not think that we are called to have anything to do with party politics, or social problems, or any such questions; we are set apart for this purpose, “separated unto the gospel of God.” There are plenty of people who can attend to those things better than we can.

If we mind our own business, or rather, if we mind our Master’s business, we who are ministers will have quite enough to do. There are some brethren who in preaching are as timid as mice; but on a political platform they can roar like lions. Had not they better take to what they like best, and give up the work at which they are not at home? For my part, I believe that I am like Paul when he says that he was “separated unto the gospel of God.” I am set apart unto the gospel, cut off from everything else that I may preach the glorious gospel of the blessed God to the perishing sons of men.


Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe God’s love in the midst of our trials.

In a wheel there is one portion that never turns around and that is the axle. So, in God’s providence, there is an axle that never moves. Our state is always changing: sometimes we are exalted and sometimes depressed, yet there is an unmoving point in our state. What is this axle? What is the pivot on which all the machinery revolves? It is the axle of God’s everlasting love toward his covenant people. The exterior of the wheel is changing, but the center stands forever fixed. Other things may move, but God’s love never moves; it is the axle of the wheel.


Thanks to CROSS CON for sponsoring Shepherding with Spurgeon this year. CROSS is a conference for 18–25 year-olds and their leaders.

Consider bringing a group from your church to Louisville next January to help them deepen their love for God and his Word. They will return home passionate about God, sound theology, and missions.


“We cannot too often tell someone that the only hope for salvation lies in Jesus.” — Charles Spurgeon