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- Pastor, never be tempted to preach false doctrine
Pastor, never be tempted to preach false doctrine
"I want none of your popularity. I will preach to you, as long as this tongue moves in my head, God’s truth, whether it offend or please."
Shepherding with Spurgeon
Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks
The current idea now is, “Never preach anything that is dreadful or terrible. If you do, you will earn as bad a character as Spurgeon.” Now, I am not ashamed, in the least degree, to have a bad character for preaching against the evil of sin, and declaring the sure punishment of it. What have I to gain by such preaching? Shall I get the applause of men? Nay, the whole current of this generation’s liking rushes the other way. Let the preacher tell men that they may live as they like, and that it will come all right in the long run, and that will please them. Universal salvation is a very popular doctrine among the “cultured” folk. I want none of your popularity. I will preach to you, as long as this tongue moves in my head, God’s truth, whether it offend or please; and the day shall declare who best loved your souls—those who could flatter, or those who spoke unpalatable truth. Our text has in it very little, apparently, that may minister comfort to anybody; and yet my persuasion is, that if, with reverent heart, you lend your ear to what it teaches, it will lead you into a surer comfort than you will ever find in the philosophies of men, yes, it will bring your conscience into a state of rest with God, for which you will bless God as long as ever you live.
Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe the dangers of wealth.
The mule laden with our luggage sank in the snow and could not be recovered until its load was removed; then, but not till then, it scrambled out of the hole it had made, and pursued its journey. It reminded us of mariners casting out the lading into the sea to save the vessel, and we were led to meditate upon the dangers of Christians heavily laden with earthly possessions, and the wise way in which the gracious Father unloads them by their losses that they may be enabled to pursue their journey to heaven, and no longer sink in the snow of carnal-mindedness.
“My work is to preach Christ crucified, which gives men salvation.” — Charles Spurgeon