Pastor, rest.

Seriously. You are not the Savior.

Shepherding with Spurgeon

Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks


Rest, rest, rest—this is what you want. To me this idea of heaven is exceedingly beautiful; a rest which I know I shall never have beneath this sky, while Christ’s servants continue to be so unreasonable as they are. I have served them to the utmost of my power, yet I am nearly hounded to my grave by Christian ministers perpetually wanting me to do impossibilities that they know no mortal strength can accomplish. I am willing to labor until I drop, but I cannot do more than I am doing; yet I am perpetually assailed on this side and the other, until, go where I may, there seems no rest for me until I slumber in my grave; and I do look forward to heaven, with great happiness, because there I shall rest from labors constant and arduous, though much loved.

Editor’s note: As we walk through the busy Easter season, there are a lot of demands on our time (from others and ourselves). We need to remember to rest in the finished work of Christ and not believe that we can save the lost or build the church.


Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe God’s transforming power.

When God puts his hand to a man, if he were worthless and useless before, he can make him very valuable. You know the price of an article does not depend so much upon the value of the raw material as upon workmanship put upon it. Here is very bad raw material to begin with—bruised reeds and smoking flax; but by Divine workmanship both these things become of wondrous value.


Midwestern is Giving Away a MacBook, Commentary Set, and Logos Library

This month, Midwestern Seminary is giving away a “Ministry Bundle,” including the following great resources…

  • A MacBook Pro

  • Logos Bible Software Portfolio Package (Containing 4,000+ commentaries and theological works)

  • The entire New International Commentary on the OT and NT sets (49-volumes)

They’re also providing a free download of some great ebooks on leadership and the call to ministry that I know will be a blessing to you and your church.


“I do believe we slander Christ when we think we are to draw the people by something else but the preaching of Christ crucified.” — Charles Spurgeon