Pastors, believe in preaching (but believe in God more)

“It is God’s Word, not man’s comment on it, which saves souls.”

Shepherding with Spurgeon

Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks


The Holy Spirit has a peculiar connection with the Word of God. We know that he works in the ministries of all his servants whom he has ordained to preach; but, for the most part, we have remarked that the work of the Spirit of God in men’s hearts is rather in connection with the texts we quote than with our explanations of them.

“Depend upon it,” says a deeply-spiritual writer, “it is God’s Word, not man’s comment on it, which saves souls.” God does save souls by our comment, but still it is true that the majority of conversions have been wrought by the agency of a text of Scripture. It is the Word of God that is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. There must be life in it, for by it men are born again.


Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe the duty of delight in God.

'I wish I could mind God as my little dog minds me,' said a little boy, looking thoughtfully on his shaggy friend; 'he always looks so pleased to mind, and I don't.' What a painful truth did this child speak! Shall the poor little dog thus readily obey his master, and we rebel against God, who is our Creator, our Preserver, our Father, our Savior, and the bountiful Giver of everything we love?


“If you leave Jesus Christ out of your sermon, you are simply beating the air, or going to war without any weapon with which you can smite the foe.” — Charles Spurgeon