When should a preacher go off-manuscript?

"Most preachers who depend upon God’s Spirit will tell you that their freshest and best thoughts are not those which were premeditated, but ideas which come to them, flying as on the wings of angels"

Shepherding with Spurgeon

Weekly Newsletter for Pastors from SpurgeonBooks


During preparation, fresh springs of thought will frequently come in answer to prayer. So will it be in the delivery of the sermon. Most preachers who depend upon God’s Spirit will tell you that their freshest and best thoughts are not those which were premeditated, but ideas which come to them, flying as on the wings of angels; unexpected treasures brought on a sudden by celestial hands, seeds of the flowers of paradise, wafted from the mountains of myrrh. Often and often when I have felt hampered, both in thought and expression, my secret groaning of heart has brought me relief, and I have enjoyed more than usual liberty.

But how dare we pray in the battle if we have never cried to the Lord while buckling on the harness! The remembrance of his wrestlings at home comforts the fettered preacher when in the pulpit: God will not desert us unless we have deserted him. You, brethren, will find that prayer will ensure you strength equal to your day.


Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe perseverance in prayer.

Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give but an occasional pluck at the rope; but he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously, with all his might.


If you bring a group of young adults from your church to CROSS CON25, it won’t just impact their lives — it will have a positive ripple effect through your entire church.

At CROSS CON25, 18–25 year-olds will be given specific teaching on how every one of us can make our lives count for God’s glory.

It’s January 2–4, 2025 in Louisville, Kentucky.

You’ll get grace-saturated Bible teaching from teachers you love like Kevin DeYoung, David Platt, John Piper, and others.

Here’s what to expect…

  • Solid teaching on gospel, church, and missions

  • Clear next steps for leveraging your life for God’s glory

  • Hear from teachers that you know (Like David Platt) and NEED to know (like John Musyimi and Garrett Kell)

  • Passionate singing with hundreds of other 18–25 year-olds

Prices increase on MAY 23. So register NOW to save.


“Preach Christ's life as much as you will, but never apart from his death. For it is by his blood that we are redeemed.” — Charles Spurgeon